+612 9223 6658

Real Job Skills Hospitality Program

Course Description

The skills you need to get the work you want in the hospitality industry! 

Get hands-on: learn and practice skills in a real, operational hospitality environment with work experience placement! 

Created by industry veterans with over 50 years’ combined hospitality experience, and delivered by legitimate industry experts, the Real Skills Hospitality Program delivers authentic, relevant learning and the valuable, real-world skills needed to work in the hospitality industry.  


6-8 weeks (includes organisation of work experience placement)

Delivery Mode

LLN assessment

Blended Delivery (A combination of online, virtual and face-to-face delivery)

Course fee

Original Fee: $2950

Summer Job Promotion:

Promotional Price: $1650


The Hospitality Program includes:

Includes the following nationally recognised training courses*:  

  • R.S.A. Queensland (SITHFAB201 Provide responsible service of alcohol) – Requires additional bridging courses to work in NSW or VIC (if you live in NSW permanently)


* All training, assessment, and Statements of Attainment provided by Registered Training Organisation (RTO), Brighten Institute Australia (RTO #41148). 

Apply the skills you learn in a real, operational hospitality environment with work experience placement! 

Promotion: get the skills to get the work in time for Summer, the busiest time of the year in hospitality, at a discounted price! Limited – time offer! 

Certificates of Competency in: